Early morning tomorrow, attending the 24th APR at Sheraton Imperial with a Keynote Address by YAB PM. It's a conference which is close to my heart. (After all, I edited the 10th APR... 14 years ago! My, my how time flies..., and how the issues have evolved in this new millennium.) I'm proud that for the first time, BR24 is the Official Newsradio station for this international conference.
There's still much to learn on this new interest. Ham's definitely something which will not go out of style. Should check out the ARRL manual.
You learn more everyday..., and yearn more!
My HF radio of choice now, (after some advice from GOD...) FYI, it's the FT857D: -
The Yaesu FT-857D is the worlds's smallest HF/VHF/UHF multimode amateur transceiver.
It is the sucessor to the earlier FT-857. But the new D version adds the 60 meter ham band and includes the formerly optional DSP-2 Digital Signal Processing Unit. The FT-857D is loaded with features, high power output and a receiver that blends the renowned performance of the FT-897D and FT-1000 Mark V. It provides coverage of the 160 to 6 meter bands plus the 144 MHz and 430 MHz bands! The ergonomic layout and large tuning knob insure safe mobile operation. And look at the receive coverage: 0.1-56, 76-108, 118-164 and 420-470 MHz The front panel is removable and it is remotable with the optional YSK-857 separation kit. Refinements include: spectrum display, 32 color display, beacon mode, keyer, 200 alphanumeric memories and CTCSS.
Mobile rig, perhaps try this first... FT1900
Luv the Yaesu! Next handy of choice: -
The VX3R or 6R...
Picked out a nice place for my Ham Shack! Tested the TX from there via my current handy... 5,9! Now, to pick out a nice desk and leather chair! Hehehe...!
a) Diamond antenna can be placed just outside the "balcony"
b) Swap the quarter-wave on my jalopy with a full-length Larsen...
Now, THAT's what I call a P-L-A-N.
NB: Mobile Station WQH433 now has my nice CS on its rear windscreen! Next time you see 9W2TVR up in front, CQ lah..., we can meet on the RKK or RBC machine! Cheerio!
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